My journey on trying to live cheap and green...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cloth Diapers = FLUFFY LOVE!

Right before I found out I was pregnant with our youngest child, I told my mom that if I ever had another baby that I would try cloth diapering. Then a few months later - I discovered that I was pregnant. That was it - I was going to give it a try.

Hubby immediately shot it down. I quote "I ain't changing no cloth diapers. You can. But I want no part in them." I didn't care. I still wanted to use cloth. So I started researching. WOW! I got scared at all of the choices, terms, and sites. I changed my mind.

So when our little one was born - it was disposables all the way. But the idea of cloth was still in the back of my mind. After four months of disposable diapers, I started thinking about it them again. So I started researching. I discovered a cloth diaper board on my mommy site. So I decided to jump in and ask what I needed, where to start, and all the other "newbie" questions. I was directed to Nubunz.

Nubunz diapers are pocket diapers. They ae very much like disposable diapers. They looked pretty easy and best of all these were cheap. Plus they were having a seconds sale (which by the way is not always the way to go). So I broke down and bought 8 pocket diapers. I was excited. But then the doubts came. What if they leak? What if they stink and make my house stink?

And then they came in the mail. So now I had them - no what? So back to the diaper board. They gave me instructions on how to prep them. Pocket diapers are pretty easy to prep too. You just need to wash them first before you use them.

So I picked a weekend and used them only at home (I worked outside the home and hubby was not going to have any part of them). Well they worked, and guess what I liked them. And they contained the worse breastfed poo!! I was in love.

So to make a long story short, we are %100 cloth diapering. Even hubby uses them.

It started out a little chilly again this morning, so I wore this dress with a jacket for the first half of the day. The dress is another impulse shopping purchase from Target. I am sorry, I am just a sucker for cute, cotton dresses. The jacket is a thrifted Chico jacket.

This challenge is making me actually get excited about getting up in the morning. It is fun “shopping” in my own closet to see what works. And I am discovering accessories that I forgot owned. I found some bracelets (which I didn’t get a picture) that matches my necklace perfectly.

After I came home for lunch, it was too warm for the jacket. So here is a picture without the jacket.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 4

I really like this dress. A Mother's Day present from a couple of years ago. But the shoes is what I really LOVE.

Dress & Sweater - Ross Outlet

Shoes - Payless

I am so glad it is finally starting to warm up again. I enjoyed the chill for a little bit. And I will probably be begging for it come back in June. :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 3

Still a little bit chilly here in Texas.

Skirt - Thrifted J. Crew; Shirt - Don't really remember; Sweater - thrifted

I wore my black boots, so the sweater tied into the outfit a bit better. The skirt is too big, but I hadn't done laundry yet.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 2 of the A Dress A Day in May

Day 2...

WOW!! It is cold here in Texas this second day of May. I really considered wearing pants, but nope!!

I wore a thrifted Old Navy khaki skirt, a black long sleeve tee and a short sleeve red sweater.

And I wore some black boots to combat the cold! GO ME!!
Pictures to be added soon!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Dress A Day in May Challenge

I took a plunge into this challenge. I am excited to say that I will be wearing a dress/skirt each day for the entire month of May.

I decided to take it a step further and try not to buy any new article of clothing as well.

May 1, 2011 - I wore this cute little denim skirt from Target and a similar top from Old Navy.
Pictures will be added soon.